Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Screwtape Letters 19-21

I had a hard time staying focused while reading these chapters and had to reread parts more than once. Some parts of this book make sense, but other chapters just confuse me. Letter 19 begins by saying that Screwtape has been thinking very hard about the question in Wormwood's last letter. That comment made me start wondering what the question was. I agree with the statement that came shortly after that where Screwtape said that all selves are by their nature in competition. People turn even the simplest things into competitions. I was confused as to why Screwtape was so concerned with the fact that the letters weren't shown to anyone and that Wormwood "keep everything under lock and key." I don't know that I would trust Screwtape to look after my interests if I were Wormwood, because Screwtape goes from saying that he's doing a good job to criticizing him and picking apart everything he does. I liked that falling in love was referred to as being a state because I think that it's just a phase that people go through. People will always question whether or not love is real, but I think that questioning things benefits God and the devil.

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