Monday, March 31, 2008

Screwtape Letters 12-15

I know I have mentioned this before, but I think reading Wormwood's letters to Screwtape would be helpful. I am confused as to how Screwtape could go from saying that Wormwood is making excellent progress to the man slipping through his fingers in such a short time. I agree that pleasure and pain are "unmistakably real" and give people a sense of reality. Without real pleasure and pain, people would be able to live in a dream world where everything is perfect and that isn't how things truly are. I feel that pain allows people to become stronger and be truly grateful for the good things God gives them.

1 comment:

.agrigorian. said...

I agree with your statement that there can be no can be no reality without some sort of pleasure and pain. Through pain and tragedies in our lives we grow and learn from them. You get the strength you need to continue to grow and thank God for all that has been given to you.