Friday, February 29, 2008

Screwtape Letters 4-7

Screwtape makes references to letters from Wormwood, and I think that the book would make more sense or be more interesting if the author included letters from Wormwood to Screwtape as well as letters from Screwtape to Wormwood. In letter number four, Screwtape says that Wormwood had amateurish suggestions. Screwtape feels that he is superior to Wormwood and that Wormwood needs him. Screwtape says that people should remain focused on themselves in order to take attention away from God. I do not think that keeping a person focused on himself or herself would be a difficult task because many times people are self-centered.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Screwtape Letters 1-3

I had to read the first three letters and the back cover a few times before finally understanding what was going on. I agree with the statement in the second letter that said that many people claim to be Christians but still continue to have the same bad habits that are in favor of the devil. A person saying that he/she belongs to a specific religion does not really mean anything because saying something and doing something are completely different. My religion is Roman Catholic but I only go to Church twice a year and there are many aspects of my religion that I do not follow. Depending on what church a person attends, he/she may not get anything out of the experience that would change them anyways. I agree with the letter that most things said in a church are either not understood or misunderstood and that religious song lyrics are old and may not interest people today. Many types of people attend church, but that does not mean that everyone is there for the same reason. Some people might only go because they feel like they have to and not because they want to, so it doesn’t really matter who is sitting next to you in a pew because their beliefs could be completely different than yours.